Check out all features
Discover the full range of features our platform offers
Job Preparation portal
Job Preparation portal
Multi language support
Portal fully translated into EN, SK, CZ, RU, UK. (TR, ES, FR coming soon...)
Payment gateway
You can set up payment modes, only company pay, only mentee pay, and get commission on your initial package and mentee pay as addons.
Amazing Job Seeker Experience
Job Seekers appreciate the easy-going nature and overall experience, boosting learning experience.
Avatar Interview preparation
Avatar Interview preparation
Real Interview with AI
Job seekers engage in genuine, free-flowing discussions with an AI avatar during coaching sessions.
Real-time Scores and Metadata
The platform evaluates session scores, sentiment, voice pitch, speech cadence, and more for enhanced assessment.
Pre-build catalogue
Job seekers access a pre-built catalogue of coaching sessions tailored for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd interview, job-specific sessions, and many more.
Coaching plan
An online dashboard, organized with scores achieved in each step, is available.
AI recommendations
The platform automatically suggests the next coaching session the job seeker should take.
Progress monitoring
Users can clearly track their improvement over time.
Resume improvement
Resume improvement
General Feedback
Receive general feedback on your resume, including a list of actionable suggestions.
Grammar Corrections
Let AI rephrase and correct the grammar of your resume.
Visual Corrections
AI will evaluate the visual appearance of each page and provide recommendations for improvement.
Unbiased Scoring
Receive scores for quality, readability, grammar, and content.
Rewrite Tools
For general use, employment, education, LinkedIn profile descriptions, and more.
PDF Export
Export the analysis as a PDF file.
Cover letter writer
Cover letter writer
Customized Cover Letters
Generate cover letters based on your resume, using your past experiences to craft an exceptional pitch.
Refine Cover Letters & Emails
A user-friendly editor allows you to tailor the generated text effortlessly.
Export to PDF
Export to a PDF file with just one click, ready to attach or upload to any system.
Trivia game
Trivia game
Fun Game
Dive into a trivia game with 10 real-time questions tailored to a specific job position.
Learn While You Play
Enhance your skills through progressively challenging questions, aiming for a high score.
Further Suggestions
On the results page, receive AI-generated explanations for any questions you answered incorrectly.
Admin Portal
Admin Portal
Usage analytics
See overal platform usage & can drill down into per user analytics.
Portal customisation
Customize portal colors, web domain, logos, texts and enable specific language mutations. It is amazing how much you can setup.
Multi user access
Grant access to the platform to your colleagues. Admin users are free of charge.